Edep Academy Homeschool expects all students to follow an appropriate dress code. Proper attire allows the school to promote an environment conducive to learning and helps in teaching to respect themselves as well as others. Clothing should not disrupt the learning environment. Students must dress in a way where their appearance will not draw attention, distract, or interfere with the learning and teaching in the classroom. No clothing will be allowed that defames, degrades or is offensive to a gender, race, color, religious creed, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, age, a physical or mental impairment or culture.
Edep Academy students have to follow the school dress code. Students should wear a polo shirt and pants. The details are explained below. If girls do not prefer to wear pants and shirts, they can wear tunic or long skirts.
- Students are required to wear white or navy blue polo shirts. Girls are supposed to wear long sleeve shirts.
- You can buy polo shirts at any store. (Walmart, Forman Mills, Burlington Coat Factory, Amazon etc.)

If students feel cold, they may wear sweaters or cardigans over their school uniforms.
The sweaters/ cardigans should be either white or navy, and the collars of the uniform must remain visible.
- Beige or navy “khaki” style pants (pleated, flat-front or bootcut)
- Pants can be bought at any store.
- NO jeans, leggings, jeggings, yoga pants, stretch pants, or “joggers” may be worn as the school uniform.

- Girls also may wear Tunics, but the Tunics must be in a solid color of navy, or white.
- Headscarves can be in any color.
- Students can wear any color of shoes.
- Foot wears must have ankle strap, and toes must be closed.
- Crocs can be worn only with sports mode.
- Students are expected to be neat, clean, and appropriately attired for school. All clothes worn in and outside of school must ensure modesty.
- No skinny jeans or regular jeans are allowed.
- No pajamas or sweatpants in school.
- No leggings or ripped jeans.
- All clothing is to be free of holes, tears and fraying.
- No flip-flops, slippers, sandals, and heels.
- No short skirts or shorts are allowed in school.
- Skirts are allowed at a reasonable length and with no skin exposure.
- No hats and caps in school.
- Gym clothes should be reserved for appropriate classes and athletic activities only.
- Hoodies/cardigans are not allowed. You cannot cover your school shirt.
- Open front sweaters and vests with plain colors are allowed.
- Any student that comes to school and outside school activities in inappropriate dress according to the above-cited guidelines will be warned and parents will be informed.
- Please review these guidelines with your children. We ask for your assistance in ensuring that your children adhere to dress code guidelines to avoid any disciplinary action.